IO-2: Image Object Exhibition vol.2
Care – Daguerreotype Today: In an Age of Uncertainty
Oct 8 - Nov 16, 2021
※The gallery will be closed on Sundays, but open on Sun, Nov 7.
Venue: PGI
TKB Bldg. 3F, 2-3-4 Higashiazabu, Minato-Ku, Tokyo, 106-0044, JAPAN (MAP)

Supported by:
POLA Art Foundation
Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)
Nomura Foundation
About the Website
The world’s first practical photographic technique, daguerreotype, was publicly introduced in 1839 in France.
Daguerreotype is the process of recording an image directly on a silver plate. The surface of a silver plate is polished to a perfect mirror and coated over halogen gas. The plate is then placed in a camera for light exposure. An image is developed by fuming it with mercury vapor and fixed directly on the silver plate.
At the dawn of photography in the nineteenth century, photography served as the means to secure memories of loved ones, as well as one’s likeness, for generations to come. The modern ability to instantly share photos extends the same determination that produced those old family albums and portraits. The ongoing crisis caused by the pandemic has served as a reminder of how precious—and fleeting—life truly is. We wish to recapture photography’s potential as a physical container of individuals’ memories, especially during these trying times.
Contemporary Daguerreotypes ( was an online collective of twenty-first-century daguerreotypists formed by Alan Bekhuis in 2008. In 2012, Bekhuis and the collective organized IO-1(Image Objects Exhibition vol.1) at the Penumbra Foundation, New York, featuring thirty-three daguerreotypists from sixteen countries. In 2020, with around eighty individuals from twenty countries as its members, the site ceased updating. It was a hub for discussing the medium and sharing technical information that provided an invaluable resource for those interested in the process.
This website aims to build upon the foundations laid by Bekhuis and reinvigorate the community with outstanding international events.
Contemporary Daguerreotypes Japan Committee
Takashi Arai / Artist, Daguerreotypist, Filmmaker
IO-2: Contemporary Daguerreotypes International Symposium
Photography for Resilience: History, Technology, and Art of Daguerreotype
Contemporary Daguerreotypists Japan Committee hosts an international online symposium “Photography for Resilience: History, Technology, and Art of Daguerreotype” in conjunction with the exhibition “Care – Daguerreotype Today: In an Age of Uncertainty” to be held at PGI, Tokyo. The symposium aims to explore socio-historical aspects of the 19c daguerreotypy and contemporary iterations of the process. The committee invites speakers to reflect upon how we can inform and produce alternative understandings of our today’s relationship to historical imagery.
Date & Time: 8:00am -12:00pm (Japan) Oct 31 7:00pm-11pm (The eastern U.S.) Oct 30
Venue: Online
Latest News
IO-2: Contemporary Daguerreotypes International Symposium “Photography for Resilience: History, Technology, and Art of Daguerreotype” will be held on October 31 (Japan).
Contemporary Daguerreotypists Japan Committee hosts an international online symposium “Photography for Resilience: History, Technology, and Art of Daguerreotype” in conjunction with the exhibition “Care – Daguerreotype Today: In an Age of Uncertainty” to be held at PGI, Tokyo. The symposium aims to explore socio-historical aspects of the 19c daguerreotypy and contemporary iterations of the process. […] -
IO-2 Awards Concluded!
We are pleased to announce the winners of IO-2: International Contemporary Daguerreotype Competition “Care – Daguerreotype Today: In an Age of Uncertainty.” The awardees are:[Grand Prize] Grant Romer (USA) for the daguerreotype “Corona”[Semi-grand Prize] Yoko Mochizuki for the daguerreotype “Inner Peace”[Semi-grand Prize] Simone Choulle aka Nina Zaragoza et Hélène Vedrenne for the daguerreotype “A Shape […]
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